Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Lesson on Encouragement (Funny)

One reason I home school is to really instill character and values in my kids. I would always hope that when given the opportunity, they would show encouragement. Well today they had that opportunity.

Izzy was in the bathroom when I hear MOMMY!!! so I went to see what was wrong. In the bath tub was the second largest spider I have ever seen in my house (the largest is a whole other story) Ahhhhh!  So I stood there and just stared in shock. My first thought was to call my husband and see if he was working close to the house. But I am sure he would not think this is an emergency that warranted coming home for.

Second I thought, ok get the plastic wrap and seal off the tub (logical right). So when John does get home he can get rid of it then. So as I turend to go get it, the kids started in with there encouragement. I heard "Go Mommy, you can get it" and "You can do it!" So I had a little courage back to try to eradicate this horrible beast.

I went and got one of john's shoes. Because what if my shoe was too small and this creature leaped up and attacked me! Ok so a little dramatic. but that was what was going through my mind. Shoe in hand I hovered over it for what seemed a life time. All the wile the kids are cheering me on. Sigh, I could not do it.

Owen has the idea to throw water at it and get it to move from its precarious spot. I told him good idea. So as I still hesitated, Owen still encouaging but kind of done with the drama said "Mom, I will do it." So, I could not be shown up by a nearly 6 year old. I turned the water on. But not just cold water. I had a plan now! Blast it with scalding hot water!!!!

So as I sprayed the horrid creature, The kids erupted in cheer! It tried to run but I was able to hold strong. Finally it surrendered in the drain and with two quick whacks of John's huge shoe, it fit nicely down the drain. Ahhh the relief that I did not have to touch it.

So after the ordeal and high fives all around. I realized that the kids where encouraging me all along to tackle something I thought impossible.

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