Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dear Mom On the iPhone *Rant* of Sorts.

I know you have probably seen the post going around Face Book titled "Dear Mom On the iPhone."

Well let me first say that there is some truth in that. Sometimes we can all get carried away with our technology toys. I am guilty of spending too much time on Face Book and emails. I don't have a smart phone but if I did I could see myself jumping on Face Book or Checking emails at the park with my kids.Here is why.

 I home school my kids so I get a lot of time with them. Especially at home during school time. You were not with me at my house when we just made binoculars out of toilet paper rolls and went bird watching in the back yard. Or piked leaves and flowers together to make colorful nature collages. 

I am sure that even parents that don't home school spend lots of quality time with there kids. It is not about quantity of time but quality of time. There could be a mom at the playground completely drained and exhausted from the many demands of motherhood, not spending quality time with her kids, just being present. 

My kids love the park to explore and have some time for themselves to play and  be adventurous. Many times they want to have the freedom to be with their friends and siblings without me. It is also a great time for me to recharge myself. So If I want to go to the park and play around on a smart phone or chat with my friends, then I should be able to do so without mommy guilt, and being judged by others. 

Posts like that really do make moms feel guilty for taking time for themselves. You never know what someone had been going through that day or their reasons for being on their phone. I am sure that most parents that take the time to take their kids to the park are involved loving parents. 

It is okay for "me time" but remember not to get carried away with it. God has given us mommies the task of raising our children in a loving home.And sometime mommies just need to recharge. I love my kids and would do anything for them. On a daily basis I think of ways to interact with them, love them, and show them how special they are. I too need to feel special so finding that balance is key. Just please don't judge other moms.

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