But really Satan is all the doubt, guilt, and accusations in our life. Today's message at church really got me thinking about this. I don't generally view myself as an evangelist type person. But I really felt like blogging about my thoughts from today. Hey, maybe I am a closet evangelist :)
Anyway, How many times have we blown up at our kids and later felt guilty about it?
Have you ever been "stupid" with your money? You knew you could not afford it but hey you have been working so hard so you "deserve it" even though it will hurt your family's budget. (On a side note: Why do we buy things we can't afford to impress people we don't like?)
How many times have you gone to bed angry at your spouse because you just knew you were right?
You think "I don't need to go to church." "My church is what makes me happy, like walking on the beach, or going fishing."
Ok, ok so, yes I am guilty of these! Well except for the fishing one, that would be my husbands past thinking.
So that is what Satan is. And it is really serious how those situations can be so minor, yet so serious. You allow doubt, guilt, and accusation in your life little by little and before you know it you are a stressed out mess (oh am I talking about me again?)
I am slowly learning to "let go and let God." Some words to one of my favorite songs are:
Into the darkness you shine out of the ashes we rise there's no one like you none like You!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
What could stand against.
Satin is a type of fabric. I think you meant Satan.
ReplyDeleteHa, thank you lmermaidfozzy, I fixed it. Guess I should not blog when it is so close to bed time.