Friday, October 7, 2011

Interview about homeschooling

My friends brother in-law  is working on a college project on homeschooling.  He had me answer some interview questions that I wanted to share. They are good questions that may help someone thinking of homeschooling. Now this is my persona feeling on why I home school. Each family is different and for some public school may be the answer. But if you are thinking of homeschooling, these are some good things to think about.

1. How many of your children do you homeschool?
Three that I home school and one baby.

2. What influenced you to become a homeschool parent?
The Largest influence was my faith. I really felt a calling to do this.Second is the turmoil within the public school system. All the talks of budget cuts, How good can the education be when teachers are disgruntled with having pay cuts.  Third, I went through the Charlotte Mec. system and was not happy with my education.
3. What misconceptions do you as a homeschool parent encounter from others? What are your views about those misconceptions? Why?
One would be that your kids are not socialized. In fact I believe they are better socialized than public school kids. Homeschool kids interact with all ages on a daily basis. They are not stuck in the same room with the same kids every day. We frequently take trips and get with other home school families which allows for interaction with all kinds of people. Second misconception would be that people say they don't have the patients for this. I used to think that but once you educate yourself on home schooling you find that you do have the patients and that you can do it.

4. What would you say to a parent interested or thinking about becoming a homeschool parent?
Every parent doubts that they can do it. We  all have gone through the doubt and you can do it. If you feel like this may be good fit for your family then at least give it a try. Join a group. Support from other home school parents is very important.
5. What would you want to say in general about your experience as a homeschool parent?
I love home schooling my kids. Some days are really tough and it would be so much easier to put them in a school so I can have more free time. But the benefits really out weigh my free time. Kids are only school age for a short time so make the best of it and be the one to instill character and values in them. You know your kids the best and know what is best for them. It is a labor of Love and well worth it.


  1. thats awesome :) - so im curious what curriculum are you using this coming year? we are debating changing...

  2. Sorry I just was reviewing my blog and noticed your question. We use different curriculum. For 1st grade we are using Horizons for Math and Language Arts/reading. And for 3rd I am using Christian Light Education for most subjects and doing Teaching Textbooks for Math.
